Make business decisions simpler & less risky

Anne Plummer of True Accounts

Meet Anne Plummer

I am a Fractional CFO and Business Strategist serving the professional services industries.

Take control of cash, increase your profit and achieve your goals.

Anne Plummer as Speaker and Workshop Presenter: "Inspiring, motivating and...FUN!!!"

Keynote topics on strategic thinking

Moving Through Chaos to achieve your seemingly impossible goal

Come on a moving journey through the creative process of some of the greatest composers who ever lived to learn how they moved through chaos to achieve greatness. You can use the same mindset, thinking and strategic planning to achieve unimaginable success.

Podcast & Webinar topics

Use your company to get what you want: A five-step template

Now you can practise to achieve your most personal desired end-state. using strategic thinking to harness your business as an engine to get you there. There's not much difference between getting to the office on time or selling your business for millions of dollars. Confidence. Create space in your mind to discover what you really want, set the goal and move the chaos of life to nevertheless achieve any big goal.

Workshop Topics

Understanding what your fractional CFO is rabbiting on about: Debits and Credits and how they impact your P&L, Balance Sheet and Cashflow - a fun in-person interactive game for Business Leaders

Join Anne in a “Shame-free” environment for this hilarious workshop.


Anne Plummer on YouTube:

CFO Secrets Unveiled: Mastering Budget Control

What's Your True Bank Balance?

A Non-Accountant's Guide to P&L Accuracy

Dear Business Leader, 

I understand: Growing a business is hard but staying in business is harder. 

And no matter how big your business is becoming, you still have the same problems: 

  • Worrying that you won’t have enough cash to make payroll this week;
  • Keeping your team happy so they don’t leave you (Let them skateboard around the warehouse? Bring their pet rabbit to the office?) 
  • Arguing with your business partner about Cyber-security - New regulations - Digital advertising - Recruiting new people
  • What to do?  When to do it? How much will it cost? 

***What opportunities are slipping through your fingers?***

Look, most entrepreneurs know they need cash flow forecasts, profit forecasts and balance sheet forecasts to turn their strategic vision into concrete steps they can take today

Maybe you already have an external accountant.  But they are probably way too busy to build a cash flow forecast with the care and skill it needs.

Even then, how many hours and $$$ will it take?

Who is going to take the time to walk you through the figures?

And devote time every month to helping you think through how to solve the issues that are important to you?

How are you going to carve out some time in your schedule to actually think through the milestones to get you where you want to go? 

Who is going to update these plans every month?

You're reading this because in some way, shape or form, your business isn't where you want it to be.

Or maybe you simply want more.